SpikeSort 3D
Fast & convenient online/offline spike waveform-to-cell classification tool
SpikeSort 3D provides both online and offline spike waveform-to-cell classification tools. SpikeSort 3D is integrated with Cheetah via NetCom for online spike sorting, and also runs as a stand-alone offline program for spike classification. Fast, smooth 3D display manipulation enables users to quickly identify and isolate clusters/cells. Manual clustering modes include convex hulls in three dimensional space, rectangular boundaries, and waveform templates on raw spike waveforms. Clusters can also be defined in any arbitrary 3D view of feature space. Waveform parameter calculations include standard measures such as Peak, Valley, Area and Energy, and advanced measures such as Principal Component Analysis.
SS3D features:
- Principal component analysis
- Cluster quality measures – isolation distance and L-ratio
- Automatic sorting via a KlustaKwik interface
- Up to 8 features calculated for each spike
- Inter-spike interval and average waveform displays
- Same program and UI for online or offline classification
- Fast graphics drawing – even for million spikes data sets
- Optimized displays using OpenGL technology
- Spike file size limited only by system memory
- Manual cutting using rectangles, convex hulls or user-input waveform templates
Spike files may be saved with new assignments intact, cluster definitions may be saved for later use, and timestamp files are created for importing clustered data into virtually any analysis software.
Users may choose options for manual clustering, including convex polygons and rectangular boundaries in feature space, and waveform templates (window discriminator) on raw spike data. Data clusters can also be defined in any arbitrary 3 dimensional view of feature space. Waveform parameter calculations include standard measures, from Peak, Valley, Area and Energy to advanced measures such as Principal Component Analysis.
Spike files may be saved with new assignments intact, cluster definitions may be saved for later use, and timestamp files may be created for importing clustered data into virtually any analysis software.
Manual clustering modes include convex hulls in 3D space, rectangular boundaries in 2D space, and templates on raw spike waveforms. Fast, smooth 3D display manipulation allows for quick identification and isolation of clusters/cells. Handles spike files with greater than 1 million spikes quickly.
Ease of Use:
- Spike files are saved with new cell assignments intact
- Cluster definition may be saved for later use
- Timestamp files created for importing clustered data into virtually any analysis software
System Requirements:
- Cheetah Software
- Windows 7-10 OS
- SpikeSort3D License